Monday, December 8, 2014

Chores for Pay...

It's me again, Margaret.  Another late-night blog entry...I hope ya'll don't mind.

Gummi Bear (my 4.5yr-old) has been talking a lot, lately, about getting a job and making money, so my husband and I have decided to give her an allowance.  She does not like the word "chores", so we'll call them "jobs" instead...she will have a handful of paid jobs to do daily/weekly, and she will have complete control over her money (save, possibly, for an imposed 10% savings rule).  I am so excited by this that I am up way past my bedtime searching chore chart ideas, current allowance wages and age appropriate chores.  Right now my biggest issue with whether to use the Star pocket chart or the Smiley pocket chart.  Heh!

I will be sure to keep everyone posted as things progress.  I have a feeling this will be a work in progress for a while before we have our method down pat.  As with all things concerning our children, things change/grow/become something unexpected...and that is perfectly okay.

I don't have much else to say at this point in time.  I will write more when I have more to write about.  Hang in there folks...I am still here.

- Angel

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