Monday, April 21, 2014

Quick Update!

Now that Gummi Bear is down for a nap, I have some time to touch upon the countless notable events since my last post.

My husband & I fought the good fight, and our daughter was born at 42-weeks of pregnancy, weighing 7lbs, 6oz & 21.5in long.  A healthy weight for any child...and a low weight for a baby delivered by a Gestational Diabetic mother.  Come delivery time, neither OB could be found (they were conveniently busy with other deliveries, or not on call), and so my daughter was delivered by a doctor we'd never met before.  Oddly enough, I preferred that over having to deal with the nastiness our OBs would most likely have brought into the delivery room.  Which reminds me of the time when one of our OBs, while performing a sonogram on me, said the most inappropriate thing I've ever heard a medical professional tell their patient.  The OB said, "just because THIS is okay" (pointing to the sonogram monitor, showing our perfectly healthy baby), "doesn't mean THIS is okay" (gesturing to us and then if to say, "we're not friends").  Not that we had anything to do with this, but the last time I checked their website, that particular OB no longer works there.  Also...after only one post-partum visit, they gave us most of our deductible back and asked that we go somewhere else for my future gynecological needs.  Done & done, ladies!  Good riddance!

Since then, Gummi Bear has been growing like a weed.  I swear, every morning she is taller, smarter, funnier, more talented, more beautiful than the day before.  We are so very proud of our not-so-little little one.  She will be 4yrs-old next month, but she is the size of a 6yr-old.  Our Amazon child.

Last summer we three adventurers bought a house!  Though we've been here almost a year, I still find it hard to believe we're not just staying with someone else & someday we'll have to return to that sad little duplex we once lived in.  Our daughter sometimes asks when we can move back there, because she misses it...but my husband & I lived there for 10yrs & we are glad to be gone.  This house is perfect, the area is amazing (especially for families), and the schools (should we decide not to home-school her) are highly ranked & well reviewed.  So much to enjoy & look forward to...that's for sure.

A week ago we became proud owners of a flock of chickens and ducks.  Gummi Bear loves to help care for the birds, and we are all learning as we go.  Our dog & cat don't seem to mind the new long as we don't let the birds come sleep in our bed too (which, believe me, we don't).  Ha-ha!
I think that's a good general update.  I will write more when I have time.
- Angel

My Crazy Life!

Not that many of you missed me, but...I'M BACK!  It's been an amazing ride since my last post, and I will do my best to catch you up on what's been going on since then.  For now, just enjoy the fact that I plan on posting on here quite regularly.  And, that I have TONS of things to write about.  Are you ready?
- Angel

PS: Gummi Bear will be 4yrs-old next month!