Tuesday, September 23, 2014

While I'm Thinking About It...

It's 2am and I really should be in bed, but it dawned on me I haven't posted anything new here in quite a while, and I just wanted everyone (if anyone) know I am still around.  So I felt compelled to write a little bit, while I'm thinking about it.

Update on the ducks and chickens:
We have long since sold the ducks to a family who already had, and are much more familiar with, water fowl...and even they have had to re-home a couple of our former ducks due to behavioral issues.  I maintain contact with the woman we sold our ducks to, and yesterday she informed me of the untimely passing of one of the ducks.  Apparently an unspecified animal attacked her just outside of her coop, and that was that.  Poor thing.  Speaking of the dearly departed, we recently lost one of our chickens to an unknown illness.  Well...the illness didn't take her, but after a week of not eating/drinking we couldn't help but put her out of her misery (with the help of some experienced chicken-owning neighbors).  Before the passing of our chicken, we had added 5 more to our flock.  Originally we had 5 pullets (fancy name for young female chicken), and once we'd felt more confident in our chicken-raising abilities we thought we would try and raise 10 chickens.  We picked the number 10 because when we first started out we had 5 chickens and 5 ducks...so, since we knew we had space/time/energy for 10 birds, we thought that was a good limit to place upon ourselves.  Since the passing of our chicken, we have 9 birds...with no immediate plans to replace the one we've buried in our back yard.  Gummi Bear took our chicken's passing quite well, and we are still in the process of designing a gravestone to mark where her first dead pet is buried.

We've been in our house a little over a year now, and we are quickly coming up on our 2nd Halloween here.  I only hope we can decorate better than we did last year...and that, perhaps, there will be more kids trick-or-treating (and more houses participating in the candy-giving) this year.  If not, we may have to resort to our old plan of haunting my sister-in-law's neighborhood.  They really get into the Halloween spirit there.

I am not sure I have much else I can think to write about.  I guess this'll have to do...until next time, faithful readers.

- Angel